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Subscribe to our existing compliance courses or write your own.

Write Your Own Courses

You know what training your
business needs. Tailor make it for
your employees.

Ready Made Compliance Courses

Health and Safety, Cyber essentials,
and anti-money laundering are just
some of our courses available.

Subscription Based

You pay a fixed monthly amount per user,
plus a small fee when you publish
a course.

See Company-Wide Stats

See how your organisation is performing
overall, and hight your weaknesses so that
they can be addressed collectively.

See An Individuals Performance

Pass, fail, time taken, how many courses,
courses not started, courses not finished,
courses completed.

Multiple Question Formats

Multiple choice, from easy to difficult.
ask questions in a manner that meet
your trainng requirements.

Elephant is the simplest way to do compliance training, or write your own courses.
The Elephant software has been built so that the system is easy enough to be left in the hands of the end-user. This does not only mean the people taking the courses but also the people who want to write industry-specific courses. “How to answer a sales call at ABC Ltd.” or “Insurance products available from ABC brokers” are examples. Company-wide and individual stats are an integral part of the system.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Elephant Training Management Software?

It is a hosted software system where a company can handle all aspects of learning and training of its employees including content, whether that be company-specific or general compliance, with over-arching statistics to look at the company as a whole or the individual in-depth. Its objective is that without loss of functionality, it can be used by any competent individual, with the minimum of IT skills, to create company-specific content.

What are the two major uses of the software that attracts companies to buy Elephant?

The first is to be able to create your own company-specific content with the minimum of ease and the second is to subscribe to our pre-written compliance courses.

What other use is the system bought for?

The system statistics show you how long in aggregate a person has spent with the course “open”. This is often a good indicator as to whether the document supplied (not necessarily a course) has been read. It is one hundred percent certain if the material has not been read.

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Who are the authors of the software?

The authors of the system are GD&D Ltd., a UK software company with a long track record of building bespoke systems for clients and licensable software for itself. The current suite is Alligator Risk Management; Elephant Training Management software and Beehive, which is a way of taking advantage of our offshore resources for all manner of data management.

Can you help me to write my own course?

Yes. First, you must supply us with the content, and we will design it for you and even ask the questions should you wish people to pass or fail. We will quote you on this on submission of the material.

What are the elements of a fully-fledged course?

The content is divided into modules, chapters, and sections. The content can be any kind of pre-designed document like PowerPoint, Word, or PDF. In addition, you can use simply plain text and type it straight into the system.

For clarity, can you give me the types of courses that people write for themselves?

Here are some made-up examples where we simply would not have the expertise to write them effectively.

  • Etiquette of fine dining at the Savoy Hotel.
  • The art of successful negotiation.
  • How to sell AXA insurance packages.
  • How to answer a call in a call centre.

Is this an SME or a corporate product?

Staff training as an entity is not company-size specific. The pricing gets significantly cheaper the more users that subscribe to the system. And the more users, usually the bigger the company.

Communicating With Employees
What kinds of automatic emails does the system have?

The emails are pre-worded but can be changed by the company administrator. They are also split by emails for compliance courses and emails for industry-specific courses. Here are some email types:

  • Welcome to the Elephant Training System.
  • ave been allocated a course and here are your user credentials.
  • ave passed/failed the course.
  • is your certificate for you to print.
  • target date for the course has been missed.

Can the system generate certificates?

Yes. The course administrator can issue a certificate if the candidate has passed the training course. There is a default certificate in the system, but we can help design or copy an existing company-specific certificate.

What type of files can you upload into the system?

The following files can be uploaded to the system.

  • Word, PDFs, and PowerPoint presentations or plain text into the system.
  • Audio files
  • Video files
  • Links to external content like YouTube

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What visual techniques can you employ to make the course more interesting?

After content upload, you have some interesting visual techniques to help make the course more interesting or to summarise the important points. They are:

  • Flip Cards, where the card spins from front to back with a short message on each.
  • Accordion, where you can ask questions when closed and answer them when expanded.
  • Interview, where you simulate a conversation between two people, usually an expert and someone else, where the questions come in from the left and the answers come in from the right.

Subscribing To Pre-Written Compliance Courses
What does globally available mean?

A pre-written can be made available to all companies on the system by allocating the course by the cloud administrator.

Can I customize a global course to better fit my company’s needs?

This can also be done by the cloud administration in agreement with the Elephant team. However, once done, Elephant is no longer responsible for the content.

What is the pricing model for Elephant?

There are two elements to the pricing model. The first is the cost per user per month and the second is a small fee for every time you publish a course. The cost per user per month decreases massively as the number of users increases.

Do I pay monthly, quarterly or annually in advance?

All payment methods are available. Monthly subscriptions can be done by Direct Debit. All others are taken at the start of each period, for that period.

Is Elephant a SaaS-only product?

Like most software these days, this multi-tenant software is hosted in a secure data center and sold as Software-as-a-service. In extraordinary circumstances, we would duplicate and deploy the system elsewhere, should the request merit this.

What is meant by multi-tenant?

Consider an orange with discrete segments. Each segment is equivalent to a company and nothing that happens in one segment can be seen by any other segment. Only the Cloud administrator, which is GD&D Ltd has access to the whole system.

Where is the software hosted?

Details about the hosting and security document can be made available by sending an email to with the heading “Elephant Hosting Security Documents required.”

Write Your Own Course
How difficult is it to write my own courses?

It is very simple indeed. Anyone with rudimentary IT skills can master it in less than a day. There is an embedded screen-by-screen instruction manual that we can assign you to learn how to set the course up and write the content.

Do other customers get to see my courses?

No. Your company-specific courses are not available to anyone else.

Tell me about the question types I can employ?

All question types are multiple choice. There are currently 5 ways of asking a question for variety and in the interests of keeping people engaged as well as decreasing the odds of guessing the correct answer by making the multiple choice more complex.

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What is the difference between an unpublished course and a published one?

An unpublished course is available only to the author and can be changed without affecting the system. Effectively it is “draft” mode. Once it is published it can be allocated to company employees or students and cannot be changed or deleted from the system.

Once a course is published, how do I update it?

Since you cannot change a published course, you can duplicate it. This requires a new course name, and its default is “unpublished”. You can then make the changes and re-publish.

Statistics Held in the System
Can you drill down by employee or student to see an individual’s performance?

Yes. This can be done by the company administrator. You can see how many courses are allocated; which have been started and which finished; the time spent on each course, and more.

Can you see the company’s performance as a whole?

Yes. All statistics are aggregated for the whole company. You can see stats like the percentage of people who have started the course, and what the overall average score is by courses or all courses. The stats go back years if you have used the system for that long.